Who We Are

Our Story

Long to-do lists, packed calendars, daily routines — these are just some of the things that fuel go-getters like you and us. More often than not, we’re on the lookout for the next project because let’s be honest: getting things done can be so satisfying. 

But throughout the endless ticking of things to do, here’s something worth pondering over: When was the last time you reflected on whether what you’re doing matters? 

We can get so caught up with the hustle and bustle of life, forgetting to pause and reflect on whether the things we do build up to the life we want to live. It took a pandemic for us to appreciate the importance of slowing down. We learned to live intentionally, allowing ourselves to only say ‘yes’ to things that truly align with our soul and ’no’ to those that don’t serve us. 

Cada Dia was born out of our passion not only for planning and doing, but also for reflecting and living meaningfully.

We’ve learned to become thoughtful about how we spend our time and use our energy, and we want the same thing for you too.

Our Vision

Make every day matter. 

More than just planning ahead, our tools allow you to be intentional and thoughtful in the things you pursue. With flexibility and functionality at the core of our designs, we empower you to be in full control of designing your space and creating the life you desire. 

We are a brand that supports you not only to seize the moment, but also to be in the moment. By doing so, we can make the most out of every day. 

So, go on and make today matter.